Wednesday, January 26, 2011

nizhalum nalavum (malayalam poem )

                                                നിഴലും  നാളവും
                         മുന്നിലൊരു  മണ്‍വിളക്കു   തെളിഞ്ഞു കത്തുന്നു
                         നിഴലും നാളവും ഇണചേരുന്നു
                        ഏതോ കിനാവിന്‍റെ മര്‍മ്മരം പോലെ
                         എണ്ണയിലെരിതീ നാളം തുടിക്കുന്നു
                        ഇരുളിന്‍റെ ചേതന കീറിമുറിച്ചുകൊണ്ടാരോ
                        കൊളുത്തിയീ മണ്‍വിളക്ക്
                       ഈ മണ്‍കൂരയില്‍   മഞ്ഞിന്‍ തണുപ്പില്‍
                       കരിതേച്ചു കത്തുന്നു മണ്‍വിളക്ക്

                      പ്രാണന്‍റെ   ചിറകടി എത്രനേരമെന്നു
                      നിശ്ചയമില്ലാത്ത മണ്‍വിളക്ക്
                      ജീവന്‍ തുടിക്കുന്ന നേരത്തു നിത്യവും
                     പ്രഭയോടെ തെളിയുന്ന മണ്‍ വിളക്ക്

                    നിഴലും നാളവും കൂട്ടുചേരുന്ന
                    ഇരുളും വെളിച്ചവും കൈകോര്‍ക്കുന്ന
                   ഈ സന്ധ്യയില്‍ തെളിഞ്ഞു കത്തുന്ന
                    നിത്യ പ്രഭാമയി മണ്‍വിളക്ക്


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ithirikkavithayum othiri novukalum (malayalam poem )

                              ഇത്തിരിക്കവിതയും ഒത്തിരി നോവുകളും
                            ഇത്തിരിക്കവിതയും   ഒത്തിരി നോവുകളും
                             പിന്നെക്കുറെ നഷ്ടസ്വപ്നങ്ങളും പേറി
                           ജീവിത വഴിത്താരയില്‍ ഏകയായ് നിന്നവള്‍ ഞാന്‍
                           കാത്തിരിപ്പിന്‍ മൂക ശാപവും പേറി
                           കണ്ണീരില്‍ മുങ്ങി കഴിഞ്ഞവള്‍ ഞാന്‍
                          കരകാണാ കടലിലെ തോണിയിലേകയായി
                          ദിശയറിയാതെയലഞ്ഞവള്‍  ഞാന്‍
                         വെള്ളമില്ലാ മരുഭുമിയിലൊറ്റക്ക്
                         ഒരിത്തിരി വെള്ളം   കൊതിച്ചവള്‍ ഞാന്‍
                         കണ്ണീരിന്‍ കടല്‍ മാത്രം കോരിക്കുടിക്കുവാന്‍
                         കല്പന നല്‍കി വിധി മാറി നിന്നു
                         ഇടനെഞ്ചിലിറ്റുന്ന  സ്നേഹവും മോഹവും
                         കണ്ണീരിലൊഴുകുന്ന  നോവുകളും
                         ഇരുളില്‍ തനിയേ പേടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന
                         ഗ്രാമീണപ്പെണ്ണിന്‍  ആകുലതയും
                        കണ്ണീരിന്നുപ്പില്‍ കുതിര്‍ന്നൊഴുകുന്ന
                         വേദനയുടെ കയ്പും  പിന്നെ  ,
                          ഏതോ ഏകാന്തതയുടെ   ജീര്‍ണിച്ച  രൂപവും
                           ഇരുട്ടിലെന്നെ ഭയപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന  ഭീകരതയും
                         മനസ്സില്‍  നിന്നൊഴിയുമ്പോള്‍
                          പിന്നെയും  ഇടനെഞ്ചില്‍  ബാക്കിയാവുന്നു
                         ഒരിത്തിരിക്കവിതയും ഒത്തിരിനോവുകളും

ente thozhikku (malayalam poem )

                                                  എന്‍റെ തോഴിക്ക്

                               നിലാവിന്‍റെ നീലിമയില്‍  വിടര്‍ന്നൊരു  പുഷ്പമേ ...
                              നിന്നെ  കണികണ്ടുണരാന്‍  കൊതിപ്പു ഞാന്‍
                               പ്രദോഷത്തിന്‍ച്ഛായയില്‍  മയങ്ങുന്ന  സ്വപ്നമേ ....
                              നിന്നില്‍  നിന്നുണരാതിരിക്കാന്‍  കൊതിപ്പു ഞാന്‍
                            അഴകുറ്റ മാന്മിഴി  കൊണ്ടെന്‍  മനതാരില്‍
                             ആയിരം  കവിത  രചിച്ചോരു  കുസുമമേ ...
                            ഇന്നീ  നിലാവിന്‍റെ പന്തലില്‍ നീയെന്‍റെ
                             മണവാട്ടിയാകുവാന്‍  വന്നു  നിന്നീടുമോ  ....
                           ഓണനിലാവിന്‍റെ കസവാട  ചുറ്റിയ
                           പ്രാണേശ്വരീ നീയെന്‍റെ ജീവനല്ലോ ....
                          കവിതപോല്‍ വന്നെന്‍റെ കരളിന്‍ കുളിരായി
                          എന്നുമെന്നും പെയ്തിറങ്ങുന്നു നീ
                        ഇനിവരും നവരജനികള്‍ പുതു സുപ്രഭാതങ്ങള്‍
                       ഇനിയെന്നുമെന്‍  കൂടെ നീ പാതിയുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍      
                       എന്‍ ജീവിതം  ധന്യം പ്രിയേ
                       നീയെനിക്കെത്ര  ജീവനെന്ന് ഓതുവാന്‍ വാക്കുകളില്ല  തോഴീ

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kanna ninakkai (Malayalam poem)

                                                              കണ്ണാ നിനക്കായ്
                                    കണ്ണനില്ലാത്തോരീ  വൃന്ദാവനം
                                    കണിക്കൊന്ന പൂക്കാത്ത പൂങ്കാവനം
                                   മണിവേണു  നാദത്തിന്‍ മധുരിമ  ഇല്ലാതെ
                                   മിഴിനീരില്‍ മുങ്ങിയ മായാവനം
                                  കണ്ണന്‍റെ കാലൊച്ച കേള്‍ക്കാന്‍ കൊതിക്കുന്ന
                                   കണ്ണന്‍റെ കളിത്തോഴി രാധ ഞാന്‍
                                   കണ്ണനെ കാണുവാന്‍ കൊതിതൂകി നില്‍ക്കുന്ന
                                    കണ്ണന്‍റെ  പ്രിയതോഴി  രാധ ഞാന്‍ 
                                    വേണു ഗാനത്തിന്‍റെ നാദം  ശ്രവിക്കുവാന്‍ 
                                      മധുരാ  ഗായകാ  ഞങ്ങള്‍  നില്പൂ 
                                    ഭക്തിതന്‍  തൂവെണ്ണ മനസ്സില്‍ നിറച്ച്
                                   നിന്‍ വരവിനായിതാ കാത്തു നില്പൂ


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mamas and Papas:Review

Film: Mamas and Papas
Director: Alice Nellis
Language: Czech
It was a very nice movie. The theme of the movie was parenthood. The role of the doctor in this movie is very important. Many couples come to her for help. But she was not a success in the field. Zuzi and Tom is a couple without children. They are too worried in their fate and decided to adopt a child. There is another couple in this movie. The girl is pregnant but they don’t want a child. The next pair has children but they were not rich enough to take care of their children very well. This movie depicts the portraits of helpless people. The doctor in this movie is a rare character. She indulges into her own world. At last the pair without children adopts a child and made their life happy. This movie reaches its great position with its theme n great presentation.


              It is a film deals with the experience of American film makers trying to finish a film .I don’t like the theme or presentation of the movie .The images used in this movie was irritating .an attempt to save a boy’s life is revealed in this movie .Some kind of witchcraft is shown in this movie .I could not understand the intention of the director .The man tried to save the boy .He applied sacred ashes on the boy’s body .The wood sprit says the boy to be taken to the waterfall .The film starts as fiction .The viewer will enter in to the factor much later .The camera of this movie was good .The theme was not able to awake an interest in the viewers .I watched this movie from  Kalabhavan theatre .The theatre was crowed when the film begins .But after some times most of the seats became empty .The theme of the movie was hidden  when it begins .Most of the actors in this movie was not able to awake our interests .That is why I don’t like this movie

T.D .DASAN STD 6 B: Review

This the movie of a boy named Dasan .He is studying in sixth standard .He is living with his mother .He did not met his father in his life .His thirst to find his father forced him to write a letter to his father .He got his fathers address from his mother’s trunk .He wrote a letter to his father .The character of the father is hidden in this movie .The boy’s mother is working in a match company .The boy’s letter reached in Bangalore .But the letter didn’t reached the boy’s father .The character of the old woman in this movie is really good .A girl who got his letters wrote replies to him .He got haven through that letter .She sent gifts to him .his mother finds the letters and beats Dasan .Then the story turns .The mother dies .The girl came with her father and took Dasan with her .It was a children’s movie .

Certified Copy: Review

It was a nice movie ,The theme of this movie was excellent .James Millor the hero of the movie meets Juliette Binoche the heroine in the occasion of his book release .They decided to spend time in the country side .The heroine express her love for the hero .But he did not accept her love .They participates in a marriage .The hero objects to take photographs .She argues for love .They makes arguments each other .The heroines thirst for love is expressed in her words .But the hero was not interested in such redundant expressions of love .The character of the boy was funny .At the very first moment he realizes his mother’s love for the writer .The heroine appreciates the pairs who expresses their love through jesters .It was a very nice movie ;which deals with the thirst for love .

The Image Threads: Review

I watched this movie from Kairali theatre.The theatre was crowded. I expect that it will be a good movie .But that was opposite to me .I doesn’t like the movie because the elements of that movie couldn’t satisfy my visions. I tried to agree with the film. But each moment I realized that I am failing .That movie created a negative energy in me .The unsatisfied crowd made their comments. That also made me irritated .I am not able to question the directors attitude .I don’t like the hero or heroine or even the hero’s grand father .I’m sorry to say I don’t like this movie.



This movie was beautiful as a poem. The theme of the movie is love. A girl named Sierva Maria was bitten by a dog. The uncivilized people around her attributed that she was  possessed by demons and they imprisoned her. Father Deloura was sent to her for exorcise the demon from her. Later he fell in love with her. Her beauty is really out of words. Her long hair and beautiful eyes was able to awake love in every minds. The priest gave up his position .He begged for her life many times .But others didn’t agree with his words .At last they cut her long hair, but he could not help her. The film reveals the culture of their lives .The heroine was bought up by a maid .She loves her maid more than her mother .Her mother was a patient .Her father was totally depressed about her life .It is a film of love, care and sad. I like it very much.



It was a nice movie. It is the  story of a rubber baron named Fitzcaroaldo.This movie tells the story of a ship making. The hero reached in a rubber estate and cuts many trees for building a ship with the help of some tribes. They worked together and built a huge ship.The ship passed through water. First it shakes hardly and then it moved softly. Music played a very important role in this movie. The camera is excellent. It reveals the beauty of the landscapes. It has a similarity with Karalla’s geography. Herzog the great director made this movie amazement. I like it very much.

Please Dont Disturb:Review

Film: Please Don’t Disturb
Director: Mohsen Abdolvahab
Language: Persian

It is a movie of three stories linked up into one. The first story is concerned about woman who is not satisfied with her husband’s character and she took a decision to leave him. But he begs her for his good image. The next story is about a Mullah. His purse was stolen by someone. At last he got that back. There are some clients who came to visit Mullah for their marriage. The last story is about the old couple. The film ends where the first couple is united and they go together for her friend’s marriage. This film moves with the problem among ordinary people. It reveals the dignity of a woman.

The Way Home: Review

Film: The Way Home
Director: Dr.S.Biju
Language: Malayalam
IFFK award: NETPAC best Malayalam movie

It was a very nice movie. It has a very important role in our contemporary life. It gives a message against terrorism. The hero of this movie is a doctor. He lost his wife and child in a terrorist attack. The story develops through the experience of the doctor who works in a prison hospital. A prisoner in her death bed asks the doctor to unite her son with his father. The father is the leader of a terrorists group. He was the leader of the attack in which the doctor lost his family. At last the doctor succeeds in his attempt. But the father died just before their arrival. The climax of this movie was really unexpected. The camera of the movie is excellent. The story and the way of story-telling are really great. I like this movie very much.